Sunday, January 19, 2014

30 Paintings in 30 days, catch-up post 2

The best thing about this challenge happened this week - I finished paintings that have been laying around barely-begun for a LONG time.  I have a pile of canvases that I started working backgrounds on, dropped down a stencil, sometimes even drawing the main event without ever finishing.  So my canvas 5 and 6 are orphans that finally have homes.  WOO!

Canvas 5 has been sitting here with a tiny bit of a birch tree stencil for months and months.  And months.  AND MONTHS.  Maybe even a year.  That birch tree stencil needs to become the background for a series of fairy tale princesses, but for now we'll just start with Snow White:

She measures 4 x 8 and will become a journal later in the week that I will post on Etsy.  For now, though, I'll just admire her doneness.

Canvas 6 was the basis of an article I am writing for Art Trader on stencils.  I have been shuffling it from one side of the table to the other for weeks, but now it's finally done:

He's 10 x 14 and also wants to become a journal.  I think he's a little crazy (I mean really.  Who wants to deal with a journal with spreads measuring 14 x 20?!!), but MAYBE HE WILL ANYWAY.  I'm crazy like that.



  1. They are both so damn charming! Charming and just a bit twisted. Or more than a bit. And hooray for completing half-finished canvases! So satisfying!

    1. Thank you! I like a bit twisted. I found another whole stack of unfinished canvases. Argh!

  2. Oh my goodness....I love love love your style!! These characters are beyond adorable... so much joy here for me!!

    Hugs Giggles

    1. I'm so happy you like them! Spreading joy is my favorite thing :D

  3. I love his little skull faced friend. I actually do know people who journal that size. I think he has a destiny. :)

    1. Thank you! I want a little skull faced friend. Whoa, really?!! That seems ridiculously huge to me. Go people!

  4. Fun happy art. Very nice.

  5. Great pieces. I really like the one with the birch tree.


All opinions happily accepted and absorbed by the soulsponge I keep in the garage.